This study intended to evaluate the role of ultrasound therapy versus short-wave diathermy (SWD) in the treatment of women patient with frozen shoulders. A pilot double-blind randomized clinical trial was carried out on 30 patients suffering from frozen shoulders. The intervention included continuous 3 MHz, 1.5 w/cm2 Ultrasound, applied for the first group, and short-wave diathermy with 27.12 MHz was applied for the second group. Pain by visual analog scale (VAS), range of shoulder motion (ROM), and muscle power were assessed at the baseline, after 12 sessions of treatment, and at a 4-week follow-up. A significant effect of both treatments was observed compared to the baseline, ROM, and muscle strength of both biceps was increased during the session and the follow-up. There was a significant difference between the ultrasound and short-wave therapies, where short-wave was more effective in all measurement variables except the flexion index.