1- Introduction

2- Manuscript submission

3- Terms of Publication

4- Trusted Sources

5- Terms of Research


Authors should create an account on the Journal website (zjhms.alzahraa.edu.iq) before they can submit their manuscript. Use the following links to:

  1. Create an account on the website.
  2. Edit your profile.
  3. Reset your password.
  4. Two-step verification.  

Authors must submit their manuscripts in a single Word file format, to be used in the reviewing process. The journal undertakes only publishing novel articles that had not been published previously or are under reviewing process in other journals or debated in conferences.

Ethics in publishing should be considered (check the ethics criteria of the journal).

Manuscript submission:

  1. Check the guidelines here for more information on submitting the manuscript on the website.
  2. The author should submit the manuscript in the format of .doc or .docs only, on the website, and a separate doc file for the coauthors including their names, affiliations, and emails.
  3. The coauthors' names must be entered in both Arabic and English on the site during the process of submitting the manuscript.
  4. The manuscript should be formatted according to the journal template which can be downloaded here.
  5. The accepted percentage of plagiarism should not exceed 20%.
  6. After the review process is completed, the author should edit the manuscript according to the recommendations of the reviewers and re-send the edited manuscript on the website. In addition to uploading a file includes the answers to the reviewer's questions and comments.  It is important to note that any corrections made by the author to his/her manuscript after reviewers' recommendations must be highlighted. The edited text is highlighted in yellow, the new text is highlighted in green and the deleted one is highlighted in red. This helps the reviewer in tracking the corrections.
  7. After the edited manuscript is accepted, the author should pay the second half of the publication fees.
  8. Finally, the authors should sign and send an electronic copy of the copyrights form which can be found here.

Terms of publication:

  1. The research must be new and has not previously been published or accepted for publication in another journal or conference.
  2. Manuscripts submitted for publication are subject to scientific evaluation, usually sent to three reviewers.
  3. The manuscript should include the following parts:
    • Title of the research,
    • Abstract in Arabic and English.
    • Keywords, introduction, research methodology and mathematical models, results and discussion, conclusions, and references.
    • References are indicated according to their appearance in the body of the manuscript using the Harvard pattern for writing references for example [1], indicates the reference that will be fully included in the list of references at the end of the manuscript, as the list of references in this style is organized numerically rather than alphabetically.

"Trusted Sources," such as journals, proceedings, symposiums, etc., are as follows:

  • Journals: These are scholarly publications that contain original research articles, reviews, and other academic content. Journals are considered reputable and reliable sources of information as they undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the quality and accuracy of the published work.
  • Proceedings: Conference proceedings refer to the collection of papers presented at a specific conference or symposium. These papers typically undergo a review process before being accepted for presentation. Conference proceedings provide a snapshot of the latest research and findings in a particular field or topic discussed at the conference.
  • Symposiums: A symposium is an academic event where experts gather to present and discuss research in a specific field or topic. Symposiums often feature presentations, panel discussions, and workshops that promote the exchange of knowledge and ideas among researchers, scholars, and practitioners.

Terms of the research that is sent to the journal:

  • Each paragraph must contain a minimum of three sentences, including one primary or key statement and at least two supporting sentences.
  • Ensure that all abbreviations in the manuscript are fully expanded and explained.
  • The title of the paper should be no longer than two lines and should not contain any abbreviations.
  • Include a minimum of five and a maximum of seven keywords in the paper.
  • The abstract should consist of a minimum of 100 words and a maximum of 200 words.
  • The abstract should begin with an introduction, followed by highlighting the issue, stating the objective, describing the methodology used, and concluding with the findings.
  • The journal article should include a minimum of 25 references from reliable sources such as journals, conference proceedings, symposiums, etc., and each reference should include a DOI.